Your employees will have the opportunity to talk regularly with their chaplain about their life issues.
These regular conversations can serve as a pressure release valve, reducing worker stress, which naturally leads to a more stable work environment and an atmosphere of cooperation.
Everyone experiences life’s unexpected turns: death, divorce, family conflict, illness—they happen to all of us.
Your chaplain/care coach will be present in a crisis when requested because that is what friends do.
Your employees will be able to get back on their feet and recover more quickly.
The Chaplain/Care Coach Will NOT:
While the word “chaplain” normally brings up a picture of a person who is friendly, personable, concerned, and readily available to talk with people about all life matters, including faith, the term “care coach” may be new.
Care Coaching is an option made available for companies that prefer a more secular approach to caring for their employees. While a chaplain never discusses matters of faith without permission, some companies still prefer another route. It is for these companies that care coaching exists.
*Exceptions to confidentiality: If a law is being broken, or if there is potential harm to any individual