
Category: Seasonal

These articles provide encouragement for specific seasons of the year.

The Unexpected Pathway to Christmas

I want to suggest a principle for you to consider. It goes like this:  When God does a work, He makes preparation first.  Think about it: Before God made the first human being, He prepared an environment for him to live in first, as we read in Genesis 1. When God wanted to build a […]

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Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember to . . . Remember

If someone were to ask you if you loved God, what would you say? Jesus gives us a pretty clear litmus test. In John 14:15, He says, “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.” Unfortunately, this statement of Jesus often engenders guilt, because we know that we do not always obey. But as […]

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The Other Side of Thanksgiving

I find it interesting that, when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is, He added a second commandment, saying in essence that love goes two ways—to God first and then to others. Likewise, I am convinced that thanksgiving is two-dimensional. We give thanks not only to God, but to others. Notice Jesus’ response in […]

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