
Category: General Personal Development

These articles are for everyone and provide general encouragement.

The Reach of God's Love

According to an online journal, in the early 20th century, a man named Frederick Lehman wrote the words to a hymn that is still sung today, called “The Love of God.” The first stanza begins: The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell, / It goes beyond the highest star and […]

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Anxiety: Taming the Monster That Won't Go Away

According to a 2018 study, anxiety affects over 18% of the population. Many of us have bouts with anxiety, and almost every one of us knows someone who regularly struggles in this area. While I understand that some situations call for a professional’s help, and I don’t claim to have the magic solution to solve the […]

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Humility: The Forgotten Virtue

Question: When was the last time you saw a movie where the main character’s primary trait was humility? What about our political campaigns? See any humility there lately? Thankfully, we are starting to see some articles on LinkedIn recently, stressing the importance of humility. However, these articles generally fall short in three ways:   First, there […]

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